Ford Speedster - Readers' Rides

Randy Cooper
I am a longtime Auto Round-Up fan and enjoy every issue. Have even sold a car in the Round-Up. This is a Ford Speedster that I built on a ‘29 Model A frame I kept the same front end and rear drive and fabricated a cowl and firewall. I also used a horse buggy seat, a ‘25 T oval gas tank, and a Model A Sedan trunk on the back. It still has the 6V system with an optional battery under the seat. Power is from a ‘37 Ford with Offy heads, V8-60 and transmission from a ‘39 Ford. The motor has new dome pistons and a lumpy cam with adjustable lifters. It has 16” ‘35 Ford wire wheels and old time friction shocks. Since it is a Speedster, I had my pinstripe guy do it up in a Speedy-Alka-Seltzer theme. It’s a really fun car and I just enjoy my sunny day ride. Submitted by Randy Cooper, Albion, NY
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