History Of The Pioneer Auto Museum

Dave Geisler
The Pioneer Auto Show was started in 1954 by A.J. “Dick” Geisler and his family. He was called “Dick” by his friends and colleagues. Back in 1954, Pioneer Auto Museum (as it was known then) and Dick are a single thought in the minds of many who have visited and had the chance to meet and know the man with the ever-present cigar. Dick was born on Valentines Day to his parents who had immigrated from Germany, and then lived in New Ulm, MN. After high school, he and a friend drove a Model T Ford to California, taking odd jobs along the way so they could finance their trip. While on this trip, Dick met and married Vivian Peterson.
 They settled in Pasadena where their three children, Roma, John and Dave were born. Dick opened a feed and hardware store. Business was good and he was quite successful even though it was at the height of the depression. In 1942 many opportunities existed, so, Dick, always looking for new challenges, traded his home in California for a farm in Blunt, South Dakota. The locals in Blunt were amused that a “Dude” from the west would come east to the Dakota’s to farm, especially since there hadn’t been a good crop in South Dakota in years. But with good weather and the Geisler tough, he was able to produce a number of bumper crops.
In 1945, during the post war period, Dick felt the need to move again. He bought a John Deere and Chevrolet dealership in a town called Murdo just 80 miles from his farm in Blunt. Murdo, a little town almost in the middle of the state, was located at the Junction of US Hwy 16 & Hwy 83.
Dick’s background of trading, selling and making deals was to work well in the days ahead. In 1950, Dick opened a Phillips 66 gas station. He was now in a business that he liked and could provide a good living for himself and his family.
Being located at the Junction of US Hwy 16 & 83 made this a busy corner. To stop the travelers and sell more gas, Dick displayed several old cars in the parking area. One of them was a 1913 Ford Peddler’s Wagon still on display at the Auto Show. Visitors stopped, looked at the old cars and filled their gas tanks. It didn't take long to see that tourists were interested in old cars. Over the next few years, Dick kept on buying antique and vintage cars building up a modest but interesting inventory of autos.
By 1954, Dick and his two sons, Dave and John, had so many cars that they needed a place to show them properly, so they built their first building. This is how it all began, and it was known then as the Pioneer Auto Museum. “A.J.” passed away in 1973 and his wife Vivian preceded his death in 1963. Son John ran the Museum after A.J.’s death until 1979 when Dave took over the active management of this growing attraction which now has over 30 buildings. John, who acted as a scout and buyer, has always had a unique talent for finding rare items of the 1900’s. The two young men, working together, were a good team. The result was a continued growth and improvement of the displays and facilities. Dave is as interesting as any of the vintage cars that he displays. From 1962 to 1980, Dave owned and operated Murdo Ford Mercury, a very high volume dealership breaking sales records and receiving numerous awards. Dave is active in city and state government, has met presidents and senators and is a friend of many Governors. He greets you at the door with a big smile and a cordial welcome. Taking time to show customers various displays and to talk about old cars and new times. Dave feels that the good Lord has always been a part of his life and as you tour the Big Show, you too will feel His presence.
Dave Geisler has four children. Daughter Vivian was born in 1959, daughter Patty in 1962, daughter Jennifer in 1964 and in 1967 a son, David. Vivian and brother David M. have been actively involved in the day-to-day operation of the “BIG SHOW” over the years and God willing, into the 3rd Generation. The Geisler family is a part of the history of South Dakota. A stop at the “BIG SHOW” will be one of the highlights of your trip on Interstate 90. Plan now to visit with the family and spend an hour or a day with the Geislers.
Your friend by the side of the road...Dave Geisler.
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